Sunday, May 6, 2012

And here I am.

Well. Sunday seems as good a day as any to start a blog, so here I am, at the behest of one Spec, or Speckles as I like to call her.

"By the way, you should have a blog. I would follow haha"

This made me wonder if others would feel the same. So like any good psychologist, I'm testing that theory.

I guess now it's time for the obligatory introductory post. My name is Moose. I'm 23 years old without a single marriage prospect in sight. Hence the Miss-Adventures part of my blog title. A lot of what I get into happens because I'm on my own and refuse to hire anyone to do things for me. (Except for making me dresses for my reenacting career. Now *that* I will spend money on.) Sometimes they turn out really well, sometimes they turn out absolutely dreadful. It's always touch and go, but at the end of the day, I always learn something.

This is a blog about being a Moose, being a single, empowered female, being a reenactress who plays in three time periods, going back to school for a Master's degree, and having two cats. (And my subsequent struggles to maintain a clean household.)

Comments are welcome, free samples are encouraged.


  1. Replies
    1. I have to work this weekend. Wait, why does it say 4:56?? Um, I published this like 10 minutes ago...? Maybe I need to check my time zone... Thanks for being my first comment, cousint. =) <3

  2. Masters degree? Where and what? Marriage prospects, no worries. There is someone else out there just locked up reading away, they will surface soon. :-)

    1. Pursuing a dual Master's program in Applied History and Library Science. I'm super excited! Hoping to hear a decision from one of the two soon. And there are days when I'm more and more convinced that he can stay locked up! ; )

  3. Oh, are you giving us the samples or do we bring them to you? I have a grill now and I'd love to you have you over some time for a lovely vegetarian (or vegan if you prefer) meal! I love exploring new cooking horizons, and honestly, I could grill a show and eat it, I love that thing so much!

    1. Ooh, you bring samples to me! Teehee! And 'grilled vegetables' is the magic phrase... Have you ever grilled asparagus?? It's absolutely delicious. We'll have to plan something!
