Friday, May 18, 2012

Corsets And Camping And Ghosts - Oh, My!

Lots of fun and exciting things happening!!

Last weekend, I was lucky enough to hang out with the 6th New Hampshire Volunteers over at Spangler's Spring in Gettysburg - I camped out with them and there was lots of great music and fun times! For those of you who don't know me all that well, please know that I'm obsessed with Gettysburg and the Civil War in general. So of course I was just in my element (and my dress... and my corset...) this past weekend. I have a lot of stuff to do today so I can't go into too great of detail of how much fun I had, but I wanted to share a particular experience I had.

When I say we camped out at Spangler's Spring, I mean we actually camped out. On the battlefield. The spring was just a couple of feet away. As in, around 149 years ago, there were Union and Confederate soldiers walking around and dying exactly where the encampment was located. (Go here for a picture of the area not taken by me - you can see the Spring right in front - the encampment was to the left, around the rocks and the trees. That little cabin-esque building in the far right was renovated into a men's bathroom and a women's bathroom.) So for my first real camping experience, you can bet that it was pretty damn awesome.

Due to the lack of tent and then the sudden temporary acquisition of a tent, which is another story in itself, I stayed Saturday to Sunday. Saturday night, after some great camp music, the guys called it quits around 1AM. It was about time for me to get out of my corset and get into my blanket nest. I grabbed my little toiletry bag and MagLite from the tent. I made my way to the bathroom facility, roughly 50 yards away. The little building was divided in half with the men's bathroom on the left and the women's on the right, doors on opposite sides of the building. Flushing toilet, running water, paper towel dispenser, hand soap. Quite clean, barring an odd few bugs, and clearly renovated within the past year or two.

I entered the bathroom, pushing open the spring-loaded door. Spring-loaded because let's face it. Who really wants to walk into a bathroom occupied by an angry raccoon? "Not I," said The Cat. I gingerly closed it, letting the tongue of the latch rest on the strike plate. I didn't want to let it slam shut with a bang lest I either wake some guys up or startle the ones still awake into thinking that the Confederates had shown up. So obviously, that means I didn't lock it, the lock being a wee little sliding bolt lock. I really didn't think I had to, since most of the guys had turned in for the night anyway, and the ones that were awake knew where I had gone and would use the guys' bathroom on the other side. Besides, there was woods enough and brush underfoot that I would have been able to hear anyone coming.

I sat my stuff down on the deep windowsill (oh goodness, I just love deep windowsills... the kind you can sit in and read?) and trained my MagLite on the mirror above the sink. I performed my evening ablutions and constitutions, applying my lotions and potions, and finally pronounced myself fit enough to go back out to the tent and go to bed. I repacked my bag, zipped it, gathered up the MagLite, and turned around, reaching for the door.

You will be interested to know that I found it both shut and bolted. I'd like to thank the spirit of the soldier who was concerned for my modesty!!

Here's to a great weekend hanging out with the men of the 6th and many more fun times! Thanks for putting up with my petticoats, guys!! =D

Today, I've already finished my dirndl for the Reading Air Show coming up in two weeks. Right now in two weeks, I will mostly likely be in Reading and the 1940s!!! *Eee!!* More on the dirndl later. In case you don't know what that is, think St. Pauli girl.

Now it's time to dig crap out of the yard sale pile to list on eBay. Fingers crossed. I need to get rid of this junk.

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