Sunday, July 29, 2012

Blog Update Update!

So here's the thing. I'm kind of turning this blog into a sewing blog because of a lot of reasons. I'm really getting into this hobby to support my hobby (of reenacting, if you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months) and now others are supporting me support my hobby to support my hobby. Roundabout speaking, I'm starting to get commissions. So by fine-tuning my subject matter, maybe you won't have to hear about it as much on Facebook! I can laud my successes and lament my oopses here. Now that *that's* out of the way...

Life Updates
Since I last blogged, I quit my job as the assistant memory care coordinator at the personal care home where I was working. Now I waitress again and I am so stress free it's ridiculous. That came about because of a host of reasons, but mainly because I am going back to school! Yeah! I've been accepted to Clarion University for my MSLS - Masters of Science in Library Science. Woop! Just keep your fingers crossed for me a little while longer... that's only part of the puzzle solved.  ; )

I'm power cleaning Trianon Le Trois (my house! Cool Points to the first person to translate and explain where that came from) because my friend LEAH CULLEN is coming to visit me tomorrow night!!! She is staying 'til Wednesday because I have three days off from work! Plenty of time to do lots of sewing... I hope I don't bore Leah too much!

150th 2nd Manassas on Friday with the 6th New Hampshire Volunteers. I've got twice the gear I had at Spangler's Spring, so I'm really excited that my impression is improving. I have a new Miss Janet dress that will be making its appearance at the dance on Saturday evening! Eee! Hmm, what else do I have now... well, I got my bucket in the mail on Friday! How exciting is that! I ordered a lidded wooden firkin for my water bucket at events. I can't handle the nasty tin water taste so I upgraded to pine-flavored water.

Oh wait, that's gin!

I also ordered my hair! I can't dress my hair to save my life, so hair pieces are a must. I got a pretty tucked bun with a braid and also got sausage curls for more formal occasions.

Sewing Projects
My two commissions at the moment are two men's civilian vests for Civil War. The Boys (my Big Brother Bear and Pete) asked me to make them. Well, actually, here's how it went down. Pete asked me to make him a vest. Okay! He told me specifics n'at, and I ordered the pattern and got to work. He must have told Brother Bear that I'm making him a vest. So then I get a text from The Bear telling me to make him a vest like Pete's only better. ... Okay! I need to have them done by Friday afternoon. I think I can, I think I can... Pete's vest is a sand/natural linen front with a chocolate linen back/lining, straight bottom. Brother Bear's is a wine linen front with a pewter duchess satin back/lining, pointed bottom.

On Deck!
The day after I decided to start making myself a camp dress, Pete told me to make him a vest. There's no way on earth that I'll get anything done on this until after Manassas (sad face...) but I have all of my notions and other stuff. I call it a camp dress, but upon further research, I learned that they really didn't have garments known as 'camp dresses' during the Civil War. They referred to their dresses by color/pattern and fabric rather than purpose, since their dresses had many uses. "My blue watered silk" or "that old brown calico" are more appropriate terms for dresses. I'll use myself as an example - instead of two day dresses, I have my rosebud sheer and my blue checkered sheer. I actually just ordered some more fabric at Jo-Ann's yesterday - let's hear it for coupons! It should be in next week, so I'm going to "railroad" those two dresses much like I'm doing to those two vests. Railroading means making several of the same item at once - you do each step a few times in a row and it saves you some time. This is most commonly done with chemises. When I did that with my chemises, I made two in the time it took me to make my first one. (Or maybe that's because I was so improved. Heehee.) So I'll end up with a navy checked homespun and a brown plaid homespun to add to my sheers.

In The Hole!
I'm doing three Civil War events in a row (150th 2nd Manassas, 150th Antietam, and Cedar Creek) so I'll be working on another Civil War project. Most likely a privacy petticoat for over my drawers (if I ever decide to wear them! Teehee!) and under my hoop. Maybe I'll just continue with the railroading theme and make a few for over my hoop! Time will tell.

Alright, enough procrastinating! If I wait any longer to mow the grass, I'm going to have to bale hay!!!